Basic Meteorologi

Department of Atmospheric Sciences (DAS) at
the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

The Online Meteorology Guide is a collection of web-based instructional modules that use multimedia technology and the dynamic capabilities of the web. These resources incorporate text, colorful diagrams, animations, computer simulations, audio and video to introduce fundamental concepts in the atmospheric sciences.
The target audience for the Online Meteorology Guide is high school and undergraduate level students. Contents of the Online Meteorology Guide were developed by graduate students and faculty through our efforts in the Collaborative Visualization Project (CoVis), which was funded by the National Science Foundation. These resources have been reviewed by faculty and scientists at the University of Illinois and the Illinois State Water Survey. Many of these resources were tested in a classroom environment and have been modified based upon teacher and student feedback.

Atmospheric Pressure
force exerted by the weight of the air
Atmospheric pressure is defined as the force per unit area exerted against a surface by the weight of the air above that surface. In the diagram below, the pressure at point "X" increases as the weight of the air above it increases. The same can be said about decreasing pressure, where the pressure at point "X" decreases if the weight of the air above it also decreases.
Thinking in terms of air molecules, if the number of air molecules above a surface increases, there are more molecules to exert a force on that surface and consequently, the pressure increases. The opposite is also true, where a reduction in the number of air molecules above a surface will result in a decrease in pressure. Atmospheric pressure is measured with an instrument called a "barometer", which is why atmospheric pressure is also referred to as barometric pressure.
In aviation and television weather reports, pressure is given in inches of mercury ("Hg), while meteorologists use millibars (mb), the unit of pressure found on weather maps.
As an example, consider a "unit area" of 1 square inch. At sea level, the weight of the air above this unit area would (on average) weigh 14.7 pounds! That means pressure applied by this air on the unit area would be 14.7 pounds per square inch. Meteorologists use a metric unit for pressure called a millibar and the average pressure at sea level is 1013.25 millibars.

Pressure with Height
pressure decreases with increasing altitude
The number of air molecules above a surface changes as the height of the surface above the ground changes. For example, there are fewer air molecules above the 50 kilometer (km) surface than are found above the 12 km surface. Since the number of air molecules above a surface decreases with height, pressure likewise decreases with height.
Most of the atmosphere's molecules are held close to the earth's surface by gravity. Because of this, air pressure decreases rapidly at first, then more slowly at higher levels.
Since more than half of the atmosphere's molecules are located below an altitude of 5.5 km, atmospheric pressure decreases roughly 50% (to around 500 mb) within the lowest 5.5 km. Above 5.5 km, the pressure continues to decrease, but at an increasingly slower rate (to about 1 mb at 50 km).

lines of constant pressure
A line drawn on a weather map connecting points of equal pressure is called an "isobar". Isobars are generated from mean sea-level pressure reports and are given in millibars.
The diagram below depicts a pair of sample isobars. At every point along the top isobar, the pressure is 996 mb while at every point along the bottom isobar, the pressure is 1000 mb. Points above the 1000 mb isobar have a lower pressure and points below that isobar have a higher pressure.
Any point lying in between these two isobars must have a pressure somewhere between 996 mb and 1000 mb. Point A, for example, has a pressure of 998 mb and is therefore located between the 996 mb isobar and the 1000 mb isobar.
Sea-level pressure reports are available every hour, which means that isobar maps are likewise available every hour. The solid blue contours (in the map below) represent isobars and the numbers along selected contours indicate the pressure value of that particular isobar.
Such maps are useful for locating areas of high and low pressure, which correspond to the positions of surface cyclones and anticyclones. A map of isobars is also useful for locating strong pressure gradients, which are identifiable by a tight packing of the isobars. Stronger winds are associated with stronger pressure gradients.

Constant Pressure Surfaces
a surface of equal pressure, also called an isobaric surface
A constant pressure (or isobaric) surface is a surface in the atmosphere where the pressure is equal everywhere along that surface. For example, the 100 millibar (mb) surface is the surface in the atmosphere where the pressure at every point along that surface is 100 mb. Since pressure decreases with height, the altitude of the 100 mb surface is higher than the 500 mb surface, which is likewise higher than 1000 mb. Meteorologists use pressure as a vertical coordinate to simplify thermodynamic computations which are performed on a routine basis.
Measurements of the upper atmosphere (temperature, pressure, winds, etc.) are taken by instruments on weather balloons as they rise upward from the earth. When referring to the 500 mb surface, we mean a location in the atmosphere where the pressure has been measured to be 500 mb. The approximate heights and temperatures for several constant pressure surfaces have been listed below:
Approximate Height
Approximate Temperature
Sea Level
850 mb
700 mb
500 mb
300 mb
200 mb
100 mb
0 m
100 m
1500 m
3000 m
5000 m
9000 m
12000 m
16000 m
0 ft
300 ft
5000 ft
10000 ft
18000 ft
30000 ft
40000 ft
53000 ft
15 C
15 C
05 C
-05 C
-20 C
-45 C
-55 C
-56 C
59 F
59 F
41 F
23 F
-04 F
-49 F
-67 F
Chart from: WXP Purdue
The atmospheric variables typically plotted on isobaric maps include: height of the pressure surface, temperature, moisture content and wind speed and direction.
Pressure and Temperature
the relationship between pressure surfaces and temperature
The height of a given pressure surface above the ground varies with temperature. As an example, consider two identical columns of air (A and B). Since they are identical, the 500 mb surface is found at the same height in each column.
Cooling column A and heating column B changes the height of the 500 mb surface in each column. Since colder air contracts, the height of the 500 mb surface in column A decreases, while in column B, the warm air expands, raising the height of the 500 mb surface.
Therefore, where the temperatures are colder, a given pressure surface will have a lower height than if the same pressure surface was located in warmer air.

High Pressure Centers
also known as anticyclones
A high pressure center is where the pressure has been measured to be the highest relative to its surroundings. That means, moving in any direction away from the "High" will result in a decrease in pressure. A high pressure center also represents the center of an anticyclone and is indicated on a weather map by a blue "H".
Winds flow clockwise around a high pressure center in the northern hemisphere, while in the southern hemisphere, winds flow counterclockwise around a high.

Sinking air in the vicinity of a high pressure center suppresses the upward motions needed to support the development of clouds and precipitation. This is why fair weather is commonly associated with an area of high pressure.

Low Pressure Centers
also known as cyclones
A low pressure center is where the pressure has been measured to be the lowest relative to its surroundings. That means, moving in any horizontal direction away from the "Low" will result in an increase in pressure. Low pressure centers also represent the centers of cyclones.
A low pressure center is indicated on a weather map by a red "L" and winds flow counterclockwise around a low in the northern hemisphere. The opposite is true in the southern hemisphere, where winds flow clockwise around an area of low pressure.

Animation by: Hall
Rising motion in the vicinity of a low pressure center favors the development of clouds and precipitation, which is why cloudy weather (and likely precipitation) are commonly associated with an area of low pressure.

Pressure Gradient Force
directed from high to low pressure
The change in pressure measured across a given distance is called a "pressure gradient".
The pressure gradient results in a net force that is directed from high to low pressure and this force is called the "pressure gradient force".

Coriolis Force
an artifact of the earth's rotation
Once air has been set in motion by the pressure gradient force, it undergoes an apparent deflection from its path, as seen by an observer on the earth. This apparent deflection is called the "Coriolis force" and is a result of the earth's rotation.
As air moves from high to low pressure in the northern hemisphere, it is deflected to the right by the Coriolis force. In the southern hemisphere, air moving from high to low pressure is deflected to the left by the Coriolis force.
The amount of deflection the air makes is directly related to both the speed at which the air is moving and its latitude. Therefore, slowly blowing winds will be deflected only a small amount, while stronger winds will be deflected more. Likewise, winds blowing closer to the poles will be deflected more than winds at the same speed closer to the equator. The Coriolis force is zero right at the equator.

Geostrophic Wind
winds balanced by the Coriolis and Pressure Gradient forces
An air parcel initially at rest will move from high pressure to low pressure because of the pressure gradient force (PGF). However, as that air parcel begins to move, it is deflected by the Coriolis force to the right in the northern hemisphere (to the left on the southern hemisphere). As the wind gains speed, the deflection increases until the Coriolis force equals the pressure gradient force. At this point, the wind will be blowing parallel to the isobars. When this happens, the wind is referred to as geostrophic.
The movie below illustrates the process mentioned above, while the diagram at right shows the two forces balancing to produce the geostrophic wind. Winds in nature are rarely exactly geostrophic, but to a good approximation, the winds in the upper troposphere can be close. This is because winds are only considered truly geostrophic when the isobars are straight and there are no other forces acting on it -- and these conditions just aren't found too often in nature.

Gradient Wind
non-geostrophic winds which blow parallel to isobars

Geostrophic winds exist in locations where there are no frictional forces and the isobars are striaght. However, such locations are quite rare. Isobars are almost always curved and are very rarely evenly spaced. This changes the geostrophic winds so that they are no longer geostrophic but are instead in gradient wind balance. They still blow parallel to the isobars, but are no longer balanced by only the pressure gradient and Coriolis forces, and do not have the same velocity as geostrophic winds.

Winds near the surface
Winds affected by friction
Geostrophic wind blows parallel to the isobars because the Coriolis force and pressure gradient force are in balance. However it should be realized that the actual wind is not always geostrophic -- especially near the surface.
The surface of the Earth exerts a frictional drag on the air blowing just above it. This friction can act to change the wind's direction and slow it down -- keeping it from blowing as fast as the wind aloft. Actually, the difference in terrain conditions directly affects how much friction is exerted. For example, a calm ocean surface is pretty smooth, so the wind blowing over it does not move up, down, and around any features. By contrast, hills and forests force the wind to slow down and/or change direction much more.
As we move higher, surface features affect the wind less until the wind is indeed geostrophic. This level is considered the top of the boundary (or friction) layer. The height of the boundary layer can vary depending on the type of terrain, wind, and vertical temperature profile. The time of day and season of the year also affect the height of the boundary layer. However, usually the boundary layer exists from the surface to about 1-2 km above it.
In the friction layer, the turbulent friction that the Earth exerts on the air slows the wind down. This slowing causes the wind to be not geostrophic. As we look at the diagram above, this slowing down reduces the Coriolis force, and the pressure gradient force becomes more dominant. As a result, the total wind deflects slightly towards lower pressure. The amount of deflection the surface wind has with respect to the geostrophic wind above depends on the roughness of the terrain. Meteorologists call the difference between the total and geostrophic winds ageostrophic winds.

Sea Breezes
a result of uneven surface heating
When spending a day at the beach, a noticeable drop in temperature may occur during the early afternoon as a cool breeze begins to blow off of the water. This wind is known as the "sea breeze", which occurs in response to differences in temperature between a body of water and neighboring land.
Sea-breeze circulations most often occur on warm sunny days during the spring and summer when the temperature of the land is normally higher than the temperature of the water. During the early morning hours, the land and the water start out at roughly the same temperature. On a calm morning, a given pressure surface will be at the same height above both the land and water.
A few hours later, the sun's energy begins to warm the land more rapidly than the water. By later in the day, the temperature of the land increases while the temperature of the water remains relatively constant. This occurs because water, especially large bodies of water like a lake or ocean, are able to absorb more energy than land without warming.
It is important to remember that the air is not heated directly from above by the sun. In fact, most of the incoming solar energy actually passes right through the atmosphere. However, as the land absorbs this energy, heat is radiated back into the atmosphere (from the earth), warming the overlying air. Some of this heat is transported to higher levels in the atmosphere through convection.
On the other hand, since the temperature of the water remains relatively constant throughout the day, the air over the water is not heated from below (as over land), resulting in lower air temperatures over the water.
Land Breezes
begin with the cooling of low-level air
On clear, calm evenings, temperature differences between a body of water and neighboring land produce a cool wind that blows offshore. This wind is called a "land breeze". Land breezes are strongest along the immediate coastline but weaken considerably further inland.

Land-breeze circulations can occur at any time of year, but are most common during the fall and winter seasons when water temperatures are still fairly warm and nights are cool.
On clear and calm evenings, the earth's surface cools by radiating (giving off) heat back into space, and this results in a cooling of the immediately overlying air.
Since the air over land cools more rapidly than the air over water, a temperature difference is established, with cooler air present over land and relatively warmer air located over water.

Air Masses
uniform bodies of air
An air mass is a large body of air that has similar temperature and moisture properties throughout. The best source regions for air masses are large flat areas where air can be stagnant long enough to take on the characteristics of the surface below. Maritime tropical air masses (mT), for example, develop over the subtropical oceans and transport heat and moisture northward into the U.S.. In contrast, continental polar air masses (cP), which originate over the northern plains of Canada, transport colder and drier air southward.
Once an air mass moves out of its source region, it is modified as it encounters surface conditions different than those found in the source region. For example, as a polar air mass moves southward, it encounters warmer land masses and consequently, is heated by the ground below. Air masses typically clash in the middle latitudes, producing some very interesting weather.

Continental Polar Air Masses
cold temperatures and little moisture
Those who live in northern portions of the United States expect cold weather during the winter months. These conditions usually result from the invasion of cold arctic air masses that originate from the snow covered regions of northern Canada. Because of the long winter nights and strong radiational cooling found in these regions, the overlying air becomes very cold and very stable. The longer this process continues, the colder the developing air mass becomes, until changing weather patterns transport the arctic air mass southward.
Arctic air masses move about as a shallow area of high pressure, commonly known as an "Arctic High". Northerly winds associated with a cyclone and trailing anticyclone, (the center of the arctic air mass), transport the colder air southward. Since the terrain is generally flat and free of any significant topographical features, arctic air masses entering the United States and can easily slide all the way to Texas and Florida.
Below is a map of surface observations and the leading edge of a large arctic air mass blanketing much of the United States has been highlighted by the blue line. The center of this air mass is a high pressure center located in northern Montana (indicated by the blue "H").
From these reports, we see that most stations in the arctic air mass generally exhibit relatively colder temperatures, with lower dew point temperatures, and winds generally out of the north. Notice that on the other side of the blue boundary, outside of this air mass, surface conditions are much different, which indicates the presence of an entirely different air mass.
Maritime Tropical Air Masses
warm temperatures and rich in moisture
Maritime tropical air masses originate over the warm waters of the tropics and Gulf of Mexico, where heat and moisture are transferred to the overlying air from the waters below. The northward movement of tropical air masses transports warm moist air into the United States, increasing the potential for precipitation.
Tropical air masses are generally restricted to the southern states during much of the winter. However, southerly winds ahead of migrating cyclones occasionally transport a tropical air mass northward during the winter season.
Below is a map of surface observations and the leading edge of a tropical air mass surging northward into the Ohio Valley has been highlighted in red. Southerly winds behind the boundary signify the continued northward transport of warm moist air.
From these reports, we see that most stations in the tropical air mass generally exhibit relatively warmer temperatures, with higher dew point temperatures, and winds generally out of the south. Notice that on the other side of the red boundary, outside of this air mass, surface conditions are much different, which indicates the presence of an entirely different air mass.
the boundaries between air masses
A front is defined as the transition zone between two air masses of different density. Fronts extend not only in the horizontal direction, but in the vertical as well. Therefore, when referring to the frontal surface (or frontal zone), we referring to both the horizontal and vertical components of the front.

Stationary Front
a front that is not moving
When a warm or cold front stops moving, it becomes a stationary front. Once this boundary resumes its forward motion, it once again becomes a warm front or cold front. A stationary front is represented by alternating blue and red lines with blue triangles pointing towards the warmer air and red semicircles pointing towards the colder air.
A noticeable temperature change and/or shift in wind direction is commonly observed when crossing from one side of a stationary front to the other.

Image by: WXP Purdue
In the map above, temperatures south of the stationary front were in the 50's and 60's with winds generally from the southeast. However, north of the stationary front, temperatures were in the 40's while the winds had shifted around to the northeast. Cyclones migrating along a stationary front can dump heavy amounts of precipitation, resulting in significant flooding along the front.

Cold Front
transition zone from warm air to cold air
A cold front is defined as the transition zone where a cold air mass is replacing a warmer air mass. Cold fronts generally move from northwest to southeast. The air behind a cold front is noticeably colder and drier than the air ahead of it. When a cold front passes through, temperatures can drop more than 15 degrees within the first hour.
Symbolically, a cold front is represented by a solid line with triangles along the front pointing towards the warmer air and in the direction of movement. On colored weather maps, a cold front is drawn with a solid blue line.

There is typically a noticeable temperature change from one side of a cold front to the other. In the map of surface temperatures below, the station east of the front reported a temperature of 55 degrees Fahrenheit while a short distance behind the front, the temperature decreased to 38 degrees. An abrupt temperature change over a short distance is a good indicator that a front is located somewhere in between.

If colder air is replacing warmer air, then the front should be analyzed as a cold front. On the other hand, if warmer air is replacing cold air, then the front should be analyzed as a warm front. Common characteristics associated with cold fronts have been listed in the table below.

Before Passing

While Passing

After Passing


gusty; shifting



sudden drop

steadily dropping

falling steadily

minimum, then sharp rise

rising steadily

increasing: Ci, Cs and Cb


short period of showers

heavy rains, sometimes with hail, thunder and lightning

showers then clearing

fair to poor in haze

poor, followed by improving

good, except in showers
Dew Point

high; remains steady

sharp drop

Table adapted from: Ahrens, (1994)

Warm Front
transition zone from cold air to warm air
A warm front is defined as the transition zone where a warm air mass is replacing a cold air mass. Warm fronts generally move from southwest to northeast and the air behind a warm front is warmer and more moist than the air ahead of it. When a warm front passes through, the air becomes noticeably warmer and more humid than it was before.
Symbolically, a warm front is represented by a solid line with semicircles pointing towards the colder air and in the direction of movement. On colored weather maps, a warm front is drawn with a solid red line.

There is typically a noticeable temperature change from one side of the warm front to the other. In the map of surface temperatures below, the station north of the front reported a temperature of 53 degrees Fahrenheit while a short distance behind the front, the temperature increased to 71 degrees. An abrupt temperature change over a short distance is a good indication that a front is located somewhere in between.
If warmer air is replacing colder air, then the front should be analyzed as a warm front. If colder air is replacing warmer air, then the front should be analyzed as a cold front. Common characteristics associated with warm fronts have been listed in the table below.

Before Passing

While Passing

After Passing




cool-cold, slow warming

steady rise

warmer, then steady

usually falling

leveling off

slight rise, followed by fall

in this order: Ci, Cs, As, Ns, St, and fog; occasionally Cb in summer


clearing with scattered Sc; occasionally Cb in summer

light-to-moderate rain, snow, sleet, or drizzle

drizzle or none

usually none, sometimes light rain or showers


poor, but improving

fair in haze
Dew Point

steady rise


rise, then steady
Table adapted from: Ahrens, (1994)

The States of Water
solid, liquid, gas
Water is known to exist in three different states; as a solid, liquid or gas.
Clouds, snow, and rain are all made of up of some form of water. A cloud is comprised of tiny water droplets and/or ice crystals, a snowflake is an aggregate of many ice crystals, and rain is just liquid water.
Water existing as a gas is called water vapor. When referring to the amount of moisture in the air, we are actually referring to the amount of water vapor. If the air is described as "moist", that means the air contains large amounts of water vapor. Common sources of moisture for the United States are the warm moist air masses that flow northward from the Gulf of Mexico and western Atlantic Ocean as well as the moist Pacific air masses brought onshore by the westerlies.
As cyclones move eastward from the Rocky Mountains, southerly winds ahead of these storm systems transport the warm moist air northward. Moisture is a necessary ingredient for the production of clouds and precipitation.

Relative Humidity
indicates how moist the air is
Relative humidity may be defined as the ratio of the water vapor density (mass per unit volume) to the saturation water vapor density, usually expressed in percent:
Relative Humidity (RH) =
(Actual Vapor Density)
(Saturation Vapor Density)
X 100%
Relative humidity is also approximately the ratio of the actual to the saturation vapor pressure.
RH =
(Actual Vapor Pressure)
(Saturation Vapor Pressure)
X 100%
Actual vapor pressure is a measurement of the amount of water vapor in a volume of air and increases as the amount of water vapor increases. Air that attains its saturation vapor pressure has established an equilibrium with a flat surface of water. That means, an equal number of water molecules are evaporating from the surface of the water into the air as are condensing from the air back into the water.
Saturation vapor pressure is a unique function of temperature as given in the table below. Each temperature in the table may be interpreted as a dew point temperature, because as the ground cools, dew will begin to form at the temperature corresponding to the vapor pressure in table below.
For example, if the water vapor pressure in the air is 10.2 millibars (mb), dew will form when the ground reaches 45 degrees Fahrenheit (F). The relative humidity for air containing 10.2 mb of water vapor is simply 100% times 10.2 mb divided by the saturation vapor pressure at the actual temperature. For example, at 70 F the saturation vapor pressure is 25 mb, so the relative humidity would be
RH = 100% X (10.21 / 25.0) = 41%

Sat Vapor Prs (mb)
Sat Vapor Prs (mb)




Chart adapted from: Ahrens

Rising Air
a key process in the production of clouds and precipitation
Imagine a block of air, or air parcel, rising upward through the atmosphere. The air parcel expands as it rises and this expansion, or work, causes the temperature of the air parcel to decrease.
As the parcel rises, its humidity increases until it reaches 100%. When this occurs, cloud droplets begin forming as the excess water vapor condenses on the largest aerosol particles. Above this point the cloud droplets grow by condensation in the rising air.
If the cloud is sufficiently deep or long lived, precipitation will develop.
The upward motions that generate clouds and lead to precipitation can be produced by convection in unstable air, convergence of air near cloud base, lifting of air by fronts and lifting over elevated topography such as mountains.

Cloud Types
common cloud classifications
Clouds are classified into a system that uses Latin words to describe the appearance of clouds as seen by an observer on the ground. The table below summarizes the four principal components of this classification system (Ahrens, 1994).
Latin Root



curl of hair

fair weather cumulus
Further classification identifies clouds by height of cloud base. For example, cloud names containing the prefix "cirr-", as in cirrus clouds, are located at high levels while cloud names with the prefix "alto-", as in altostratus, are found at middle levels. This module introduces several cloud groups. The first three groups are identified based upon their height above the ground. The fourth group consists of vertically developed clouds, while the final group consists of a collection of miscellaneous cloud types.
High-level clouds form above 20,000 feet (6,000 meters) and since the temperatures are so cold at such high elevations, these clouds are primarily composed of ice crystals. High-level clouds are typically thin and white in appearance, but can appear in a magnificent array of colors when the sun is low on the horizon.

Cirrus Clouds
thin and wispy
The most common form of high-level clouds are thin and often wispy cirrus clouds. Typically found at heights greater than 20,000 feet (6,000 meters), cirrus clouds are composed of ice crystals that originate from the freezing of supercooled water droplets. Cirrus generally occur in fair weather and point in the direction of air movement at their elevation.
Cirrus can form from almost any cloud that has undergone glaciation and can be observed in a variety of shapes and sizes. Possibilities range from the "finger-like" appearance of cirrus fall streaks to the uniform texture of more extensive cirrus clouds associated with an approaching warm front.

Photograph by: Holle
Fall streaks form when snowflakes and ice crystals fall from cirrus clouds. The change in wind with height and how quickly these ice crystals fall determine the shapes and sizes the fall streaks attain. Since ice crystals fall much more slowly than raindrops, fall streaks tend to be stretched out horizontally as well as vertically. Cirrus streaks may be nearly straight, shaped like a comma, or seemingly all tangled together.
Similar to fall streaks is virga, which appears as streamers suspended in the air beneath the base of precipitating clouds. Virga develops when precipitation falls through a layer of dry air and evaporates before reaching the ground.
Cirrostratus Clouds
sheet-like and nearly transparent
Cirrostratus are sheet-like, high-level clouds composed of ice crystals. Though cirrostratus can cover the entire sky and be up to several thousand feet thick, they are relatively transparent, as the sun or the moon can easily be seen through them. These high-level clouds typically form when a broad layer of air is lifted by large-scale convergence.

Photograph by: Rauber
Sometimes the only indication of their presence is given by an observed halo around the sun or moon. Halos result from the refraction of light by the cloud's ice crystals. Cirrostratus clouds, however, tend to thicken as a warm front approaches, signifying an increased production of ice crystals. As a result, the halo gradually disappears and the sun (or moon) becomes less visible.
When the sun is low on the horizon, cirrostratus clouds can appear in a magnificent array of colors as longer wavelengths of sunlight (red, yellow, and orange) are reflected off of the clouds.

Photograph by: Knupp
The cirrus streaks in this photograph are aligned in a southwest to northeast direction, indicative of warmer air advancing at higher levels. Lower on the horizon, thickening cirrostratus clouds effectively hide the sun, signifying changing weather ahead. As the warm front approaches, these clouds will thicken and be replaced lower and more dense cloud types.

The bases of mid-level clouds typically appear between 6,500 to 20,000 feet (2,000 to 6,000 meters). Because of their lower altitudes, they are composed primarily of water droplets, however, they can also be composed of ice crystals when temperatures are cold enough.

Altocumulus Clouds
parallel bands or rounded masses

Photograph by: Holle
Altocumulus clouds are composed primarily of water droplets and are located between 6,500 and 20,000 feet (2,000 to 6,000 meters) above the ground.

Photograph by: Holle
Altocumulus may appear as parallel bands (top photograph) or rounded masses (bottom photograph). Typically a portion of an altocumulus cloud is shaded, a characteristic which makes them distinguishable from the high-level cirrocumulus. Altocumulus clouds usually form by convection in an unstable layer aloft, which may result from the gradual lifting of air in advance of a cold front. The presence of altocumulus clouds on a warm and humid summer morning is commonly followed by thunderstorms later in the day.
Also found at mid-levels are altostratus clouds, which are often confused with high-level cirrostratus. One distinguishing feature is that a halo is not observed around the sun (or moon) when viewed through altostratus, but is a common feature associated with cirrostratus clouds. In fact, the sun (or moon) is only vaguely visible through altostratus clouds and appears as if it were shining through frosted glass.

Low clouds are of mostly composed of water droplets since their bases generally lie below 6,500 feet (2,000 meters). However, when temperatures are cold enough, these clouds may also contain ice particles and snow.

Nimbostratus Clouds
dark, low-level clouds with precipitation
Nimbostratus are dark, low-level clouds accompanied by light to moderately falling precipitation. Low clouds are primarily composed of water droplets since their bases generally lie below 6,500 feet (2,000 meters). However, when temperatures are cold enough, these clouds may also contain ice particles and snow.

Photograph by: Holle
The sun (or moon) is not visible through nimbostratus clouds, which distinguishes them from mid-level altostratus clouds. Because of the fog and falling precipitation commonly found beneath and around nimbostratus clouds, the cloud base is typically very diffuse and difficult to accurately determine.
Stratocumulus Clouds
low, lumpy layer of clouds
Stratocumulus clouds generally appear as a low, lumpy layer of clouds that is sometimes accompanied by weak intensity precipitation. Stratocumulus vary in color from dark gray to light gray and may appear as rounded masses, rolls, etc., with breaks of clear sky in between.

Photograph by: Holle
Since the individual elements of stratocumulus are larger than those of altocumulus, one can easily decipher between the two cloud types by extending your arm toward the sky. Altocumulus elements are about the size of a thumb nail while stratocumulus are about the size of a fist (Ahrens, 1994).

Probably the most familiar of the classified clouds is the cumulus cloud. Generated most commonly through either thermal convection or frontal lifting, these clouds can grow to heights in excess of 39,000 feet (12,000 meters), releasing incredible amounts of energy through the condensation of water vapor within the cloud itself.

Fair Weather Cumulus Clouds
puffy cotton balls floating in the sky
Fair weather cumulus have the appearance of floating cotton and have a lifetime of 5-40 minutes. Known for their flat bases and distinct outlines, fair weather cumulus exhibit only slight vertical growth, with the cloud tops designating the limit of the rising air. Given suitable conditions, however, harmless fair weather cumulus can later develop into towering cumulonimbus clouds associated with powerful thunderstorms.

Photograph by: Holle
Fair weather cumulus are fueled by buoyant bubbles of air, or thermals, that rise upward from the earth's surface. As they rise, the water vapor within cools and condenses forming cloud droplets. Young fair weather cumulus have sharply defined edges and bases while the edges of older clouds appear more ragged, an artifact of cloud erosion. Evaporation along the cloud edges cools the surrounding air, making it heavier and producing sinking motion (or subsidence) outside the cloud.

Photograph by: Holle
The downward motion inhibits further convection and the growth of additional thermals from below, which is why fair weather cumulus typically have expanses of clear sky between them. Without a continued supply of rising air, the cloud begins to erode and eventually disappears.

Cumulonimbus Clouds
reaching high into the atmosphere
Cumulonimbus clouds (Cb) are much larger and more vertically developed than fair weather cumulus. They can exist as individual towers or form a line of towers called a squall line. Fueled by vigorous convective updrafts (sometimes in excess 50 knots), the tops of cumulonimbus clouds can easily reach 39,000 feet (12,000 meters) or higher.

Photograph by: NOAA
Lower levels of cumulonimbus clouds consist mostly of water droplets while at higher elevations, where temperatures are well below 0 degrees Celsius, ice crystals dominate. Under favorable atmospheric conditions, harmless fair weather cumulus clouds can quickly develop into large cumulonimbus clouds associated with powerful thunderstorms known as supercells.

Photograph by: Knupp
Supercells are large thunderstorms with deep rotating updrafts and can have a lifetime of several hours. Supercells can produce frequent lightning, large hail, damaging winds, and tornadoes.

Photograph by: Holle
These storms tend to develop during the afternoon and early evening when the effects of heating by the sun are strongest. For more information about supercells and other types of severe weather phenomena, visit the Severe Storm Spotters Guide.

Lifting by Convection
upward moving thermals
In meteorology, convection refers primarily to atmospheric motions in the vertical direction.
As the earth is heated by the sun, bubbles of hot air (called thermals) rise upward from the warm surface. A thermal cools as it rises and becomes diluted as it mixes with the surrounding air, losing some of its buoyancy (its ability to rise).
An air parcel will rise naturally if the air within the parcel is warmer than the surrounding air (like a hot air balloon). Therefore, if cool air is present aloft with warm air at lower levels, thermals can rise to great heights before losing their buoyancy.

Successive thermals following the same path usually rise higher than previous ones, and if a thermal is able to rise high enough to cool to its saturation point, the moisture within condenses and becomes visible as a cloud.

Photograph by: Holle
When a deep stable layer exists just above the cloud base, continued vertical growth is restricted and only fair weather cumulus are able to form. However, if a deep unstable layer (cold air aloft) is present, continued vertical growth is likely, leading to the development of a cumulonimbus cloud, which contains raindrops. Once the supply of thermals is cut off, the cloud begins to dissipate and eventually disappears. Convective clouds are typically much more vertically developed than those clouds generated by convergence lifting.
Lifting by Convergence
broad lifting of an entire layer of air
Convergence is an atmospheric condition that exists when there is a horizontal net inflow of air into a region. When air converges along the earth's surface, it is forced to rise since it cannot go downward.
Large scale convergence can lift a layer of air hundreds of kilometers across.

Vertical motions associated with convergence are typically much weaker than the small-scale vertical motions associated with convective processes. As a result, clouds generated through convergence, for example cirrostratus clouds, are typically less vertically developed than convective clouds.

Lifting Due To Topography
produces orographic clouds
When air is confronted by a mountain, it is lifted up and over the mountain, cooling as it rises. If the air cools to its saturation point, the water vapor condenses and a cloud forms.
These types of clouds are called "orographic clouds", which develop in response to lifting forced by the topography the earth.
exact type of cloud that develops depends upon the moisture content and stability of the air.

Lifting Along Frontal Boundaries
when air masses interact
Lifting also occurs along frontal boundaries, which separate air masses of different density.
In the case of a cold front, a colder, denser air mass lifts the warm, moist air ahead of it. As the air rises, it cools and its moisture condenses to produce clouds and precipitation. Due to the steep slope of a cold front, vigorous rising motion is often produced, leading to the development of showers and occasionally severe thunderstorms.
In the case of a warm front, the warm, less dense air rises up and over the colder air ahead of the front. Again, the air cools as it rises and its moisture condenses to produce clouds and precipitation. Warm fronts have a gentler slope and generally move more slowly than cold fronts, so the rising motion along warm fronts is much more gradual. Precipitation that develops in advance of a surface warm front is typically steady and more widespread than precipitation associated with a cold front.

Rain or Snow?
dependent upon temperature
Precipitation typically forms high in the atmosphere where the temperature is below freezing. As ice crystals form aloft and fall toward the surface, they collect each other to form large snowflakes. If ground temperature is above 32 F, the freezing level must be located somewhere above the ground. As the falling snow passes through the freezing level into the warmer air, the flakes melt and collapse into raindrops. During the summer months, it is not uncommon for the freezing level to be found at a level above cloud base.

When the air temperature at the ground is less than 32 F, the snowflakes do not melt on the way down and therefore reach the ground as snow.
Occasionally, we observe snow reaching the ground even though the outside temperature is above freezing. This occurs when a very thin layer of warm air is found near the surface.
Since the layer of warm air is so shallow, the precipitation reaches the ground as snow before it has a chance to melt and become rain. For more about precipitation, visit the precipitation section of this module.
Rain and Hail
liquid and ice precipitation

Rain develops when growing cloud droplets become too heavy to remain in the cloud and as a result, fall toward the surface as rain. Rain can also begin as ice crystals that collect each other to form large snowflakes. As the falling snow passes through the freezing level into warmer air, the flakes melt and collapse into rain drops.
Hail is a large frozen raindrop produced by intense thunderstorms, where snow and rain can coexist in the central updraft. As the snowflakes fall, liquid water freezes onto them forming ice pellets that will continue to grow as more and more droplets are accumulated. Upon reaching the bottom of the cloud, some of the ice pellets are carried by the updraft back up to the top of the storm.
As the ice pellets once again fall through the cloud, another layer of ice is added and the hail stone grows even larger. Typically the stronger the updraft, the more times a hail stone repeats this cycle and consequently, the larger it grows. Once the hail stone becomes too heavy to be supported by the updraft, it falls out of the cloud toward the surface. The hail stone reaches the ground as ice since it is not in the warm air below the thunderstorm long enough to melt before reaching the ground.
Freezing Rain
supercooled droplets freezing on impact
Ice storms can be the most devastating of winter weather phenomena and are often the cause of automobile accidents, power outages and personal injury. Ice storms result from the accumulation of freezing rain, which is rain that becomes supercooled and freezes upon impact with cold surfaces. Freezing rain is most commonly found in a narrow band on the cold side of a warm front, where surface temperatures are at or just below freezing.
The diagram below shows a typical temperature profile for freezing rain with the red line indicating the atmosphere's temperature at any given altitude. The vertical line in the center of the diagram is the freezing line. Temperatures to the left of this line are below freezing, while temperatures to the right are above freezing.
Freezing rain develops as falling snow encounters a layer of warm air deep enough for the snow to completely melt and become rain. As the rain continues to fall, it passes through a thin layer of cold air just above the surface and cools to a temperature below freezing. However, the drops themselves do not freeze, a phenomena called supercooling (or forming "supercooled drops"). When the supercooled drops strike the frozen ground (power lines, or tree branches), they instantly freeze, forming a thin film of ice, hence freezing rain.
Freezing rain is dangerous because it is almost invisible on smooth surfaces and consequently, people are often unaware of its presence. Sidewalks become extremely slick when covered with freezing rain, increasing the likelihood of someone slipping and injuring themselves. Automobile accidents are more likely to occur during an ice storm because of the icy roads.

Photograph by: McGhiey

frozen raindrops that bounce on impact with the ground
Progressing further ahead of the warm front, surface temperatures continue to decrease and the freezing rain eventually changes over to sleet. Areas of sleet are located on the colder side (typically north) of the freezing rain band.
Sleet is less prevalent than freezing rain and is defined as frozen raindrops that bounce on impact with the ground or other objects. The diagram below shows a typical temperature profile for sleet with the red line indicating the atmosphere's temperature at any given altitude. The vertical line in the center of the diagram is the freezing line. Temperatures to the left of this line are below freezing, while temperatures to the right are above freezing.
Sleet is more difficult to forecast than freezing rain because it develops under more specialized atmospheric conditions. It is very similar to freezing rain in that it causes surfaces to become very slick, but is different because its easily visible.

an aggregate of ice crystals
Progressing even further away from the warm front, surface temperatures continue to decrease and the sleet changes over to snow.
Snowflakes are simply aggregates of ice crystals that collect to each other as they fall toward the surface. The diagram below shows a typical temperature profile for snow with the red line indicating the atmosphere's temperature at any given altitude. The vertical line in the center of the diagram is the freezing line. Temperatures to the left of this line are below freezing, while temperatures to the right are above freezing.
Since the snowflakes do not pass through a layer of air warm enough to cause them to melt, they remain in tact and reach the ground as snow.

El Niño
a warm current of water
El Niño (Spanish name for the male child), initially referred to a weak, warm current appearing annually around Christmas time along the coast of Ecuador and Peru and lasting only a few weeks to a month or more. Every three to seven years, an El Niño event may last for many months, having significant economic and atmospheric consequences worldwide. During the past forty years, ten of these major El Niño events have been recorded, the worst of which occurred in 1997-1998. Previous to this, the El Niño event in 1982-1983 was the strongest. Some of the El Niño events have persisted more than one year.
El Niño Years

Selected text from: CPC ENSO Main Page
In the tropical Pacific, trade winds generally drive the surface waters westward. The surface water becomes progressively warmer going westward because of its longer exposure to solar heating. El Niño is observed when the easterly trade winds weaken, allowing warmer waters of the western Pacific to migrate eastward and eventually reach the South American Coast (shown in orange). The cool nutrient-rich sea water normally found along the coast of Peru is replaced by warmer water depleted of nutrients, resulting in a dramatic reduction in marine fish and plant life.

Animation by: Shao
In contrast to El Niño, La Niña (female child) refers to an anomaly of unusually cold sea surface temperatures found in the eastern tropical Pacific. La Niña occurs roughly half as often as El Niño.
La Niña Years

1997-1998 El Niño
the most recent event
The most recent El Niño event began in the spring months of 1997. Instrumentation placed on Buoys in the Pacific Ocean after the 1982-1983 El Niño began recording abnormally high temperatures off the coast of Peru. Over the next couple of months, these strength of these anomalies grew. The anomalies grew so large by October 1997 that this El Niño had already become the strongest in the 50+ years of accurate data gathering.
The image below displays the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Anomalies in degrees Celsius for the middle of September, 1997. By this time, the classic El Niño pattern has almost fully ripened, with maxima above +4 degrees Celsius.

Image by: CPC ENSO Main Page
Droughts in the Western Pacific Islands and Indonesia as well as in Mexico and Central America were the early (and sometimes constant) victims of this El Niño. These locations were consistent with early season El Niños in the past. A global view of the normal climatic effects of El Niño can be seen below.

Image by: CPC ENSO Main Page

The effects El Niño have on United States' weather is less obvious. Back in 1982-1983, the U.S. Gulf States and California received excessive rainfall. As the winter approached, forecasters expected excessive rainfall to occur again. Indeed, portions of central and southern California suffered record-breaking rainfall amounts. Damage consisted not only of flooding, but mudslides Some mudslides destroyed communities in a flash -- causing many casualties. Other problems could be found in the Gulf states, as severe weather was above average. Even though no one particular storm can be blamed on El Niño, many forecasters do believe the event did increase the chances for such severe weather to occur.
the transport of deeper water to shallow levels
One oceanic process altered during an El Niño year is upwelling, which is the rising of deeper colder water to shallower depths. The diagram below shows how upwelling occurs along the coast of Peru. Because of the frictional stresses that exist between ocean layers, surface water is transported at a 90 degree angle to the left of the winds in the southern hemisphere, 90 degrees to the right of the winds in the northern hemisphere. This is why winds blowing northward parallel to the coastline of Peru "drag" surface water westward away from shore.
Nutrient-rich water rises from deeper levels to replace the surface water that has drifted away and these nutrients are responsible for supporting the large fish population commonly found in these areas. The effectiveness of upwelling and its ability to support abundant sea life is greatly dependent upon the depth of the thermocline.

The thermocline is the transition layer between the mixed layer at the surface and the deep water layer. The definitions of these layers are based on temperature.
The mixed layer is near the surface where the temperature is roughly that of surface water. In the thermocline, the temperature decreases rapidly from the mixed layer temperature to the much colder deep water temperature.
The mixed layer and the deep water layer are relatively uniform in temperature, while the thermocline represents the transition zone between the two.
A deeper thermocline (often observed during El Niño years) limits the amount of nutrients brought to shallower depths by upwelling processes, greatly impacting the year's fish crop.
Atmospheric Consequences of El Niño
influencing weather patterns worldwide
During an El Niño year, tropical rains usually centered over Indonesia shift eastward, influencing atmospheric wind patterns world wide. Possible impacts include: a shifting of the jet stream, storm tracks and monsoons, producing unseasonable weather over many regions of the globe. During the El Niño event of 1982-1983, some of the abnormal weather patterns observed included:.
Drought in Southern Africa, Southern India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, Southern Peru, Western Bolivia, Mexico, Central America
Heavy rain and flooding in Bolivia, Ecuador, Northern Peru, Cuba, U.S. Gulf States
Hurricanes in Tahiti, Hawaii
The 1982-83 El Niño strengthened the upper-level ridge that was present off the West coast of the United States. (This intensification is represented by the increased amplitude of the wave in the right panel below).
Normal Winter
El Niño Winter
The amplification led to a warming in the near-Pacific regions of North America, extending from Alaska to the northern Plains of the United States (orange shading).
Simultaneously, the deepening of the winter upper-level trough (typically found over the eastern US) produced heavier than normal rains in the southern states (blue shading).
As a result of the 1982-83 El Niño event, wide spread flooding occurred across the southern United States.

an idealized model
A cyclone is an area of low pressure around which the winds flow counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.
A developing cyclone is typically accompanied by a warm front pushing northward and a cold front pulling southward, marking the leading edges of air masses being wrapped around a center of low pressure, or the center of the cyclone.
The counterclockwise winds associated with northern hemisphere midlatitude cyclones play a significant role in the movement air masses, transporting warm moist air northward ahead of a low while dragging colder, drier air southward behind it.

** Press "Reload" to restart the animation **
Rising air in the vicinity of a low pressure center favors the development of clouds and precipitation, which is why cloudy weather (and likely precipitation) are commonly associated with an area of low pressure. Cyclones are easily identifiable on certain types of weather maps by remembering some key signatures. For example, a cyclone can be found on a map of surface observations by recognizing a counterclockwise rotation of the wind barbs for a group of stations, while on satellite images, cyclones are identifiable by the trademark comma shaped configuration of cloud bands.

Winds Around Cyclones
flowing counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere
Wind barbs are useful for locating low pressure centers on surface weather maps.
Since winds flow in a counterclockwise direction around low pressure centers, look for a group of stations where the wind barbs reflect this type of wind pattern. For example, a counterclockwise wind pattern was observed in the states of Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota (highlighted by the red arrow).
The low pressure center was located near the center (similar to the center of a whirlpool) with winds flowing counterclockwise around it.
So when trying to find a low pressure center on a surface weather map, use the wind barbs to identify a counterclockwise wind pattern and the low pressure center will be found near the center of circulation.
The Movement of Air Masses
transporting warm air northward and colder air southward
Counterclockwise winds associated with cyclones transport heat and moisture from lower to higher latitudes and play a significant role in the movement of air masses.
As a cyclone intensifies, (the central pressure drops), counterclockwise winds around the low pressure center also intensify, transporting the air masses around the center of circulation.
By superimposing fronts over the low pressure center and the air masses, a top view of a midlatitude cyclone and accompanying air masses might resemble something like the diagram below:
Southerly winds east of the low transport warm and moist air northward and this moisture often contributes to the development of precipitation. A warm front marks the leading edge of this warm, moist air mass. Behind the low, northerly winds transport colder and drier air southward, with a cold front marking the leading edge of this colder, drier air mass.
Cyclones on Satellite Images
comma-shaped cloud configuration
On satellite images, a midlatitude cyclone is often identifiable by a comma-shaped cloud mass.

A single cyclone can influence the weather over a large area, (in this case from Texas into Minnesota). This particular storm (in the satellite image above) left more than six inches of snow from Nebraska into Minnesota, while heavy rains occurred from Missouri into Texas.
Jet Stream
current of rapidly moving air
The jet stream is a current of fast moving air found in the upper levels of the atmosphere. This rapid current is typically thousands of kilometers long, a few hundred kilometers wide, and only a few kilometers thick. Jet streams are usually found somewhere between 10-15 km (6-9 miles) above the earth's surface. The position of this upper-level jet stream denotes the location of the strongest SURFACE temperature contrast (as in the diagram below).
During the winter months, Arctic and tropical air masses create a stronger surface temperature contrast resulting in a strong jet stream. However, during the summer months, when the surface temperature variation is less dramatic, the winds of the jet are weaker.
Below is an ETA Model forecast panel for 300 mb winds and geopotential heights (white contours). The color filled regions indicate wind speed in knots and is color coded according to the legend at the bottom of the image. The shades of blue indicate winds less than 60 knots, while winds greater than 120 knots are given in shades of red.

The yellow, green and red ribbon on the image above represents the jet stream, and along the East Coast, the region of strongest winds (shaded in red) is a jet streak.

a tropical cyclone with winds > 64 knots
Hurricanes are tropical cyclones with winds that exceed 64 knots (74 mi/hr) and circulate counter-clockwise about their centers in the Northern Hemisphere (clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere).

Image by: the GOES Project
Hurricanes are formed from simple complexes of thunderstorms. However, these thunderstorms can only grow to hurricane strength with cooperation from both the ocean and the atmosphere. First of all, the ocean water itself must be warmer than 26.5 degrees Celsius (81°F). The heat and moisture from this warm water is ultimately the source of energy for hurricanes. Hurricanes will weaken rapidly when they travel over land or colder ocean waters -- locations with insufficient heat and/or moisture.
This is a sea surface temperature map for the northern hemisphere summer. The yellow, orange, and red colors show water temperatures warm enough to sustain hurricanes (> 26.5°C).
Image by: OSDPD

Related to having warm ocean water, high relative humidities in the lower and middle troposphere are also required for hurricane development. These high humidities reduce the amount of evaporation in clouds and maximizes the latent heat released because there is more precipitation. The concentration of latent heat is critical to driving the system.
The vertical wind shear in a tropical cyclone's environment is also important. Wind shear is defined as the amount of change in the wind's direction or speed with increasing altitude.
When the wind shear is weak, the storms that are part of the cyclone grow vertically, and the latent heat from condensation is released into the air directly above the storm, aiding in development. When there is stronger wind shear, this means that the storms become more slanted and the latent heat release is dispersed over a much larger area.
Initial Development
the storms that become hurricanes
Hurricanes initiate from an area of thunderstorms. These thunderstorms are most commonly formed in one of three different ways. The first is the InterTropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The ITCZ is a near-solid ring of thunderstorms surrounding the globe found in the tropics. In the diagram below, the easterly trade winds converge near the equator and create thunderstorms, which can be seen in the satellite image along the equator.

Image by: GOES Server
The second source for thunderstorms that can create hurricanes are from eastward moving atmospheric waves, called easterly waves. Easterly waves are similar to waves in the mid-latitudes, except they are in the easterly trade-flow. Convergence associated with these waves creates thunderstorms that can ultimately reach hurricane strength.
The third mechanism is along old frontal boundaries that drift into the Gulf of Mexico or coastal Florida. The lift associated with these fronts can be enough to initiate storms, and if the atmospheric and oceanic conditions are sufficient, tropical cyclones can develop that way as well.
The map below shows the regions throughout the world where tropical cyclones originate. Tropical cyclones are more commonly found in the northern hemisphere, but the Pacific and Indian Oceans both produce hurricanes in the southern hemisphere. However, in other parts of the world, hurricanes are called by different names.
At the equator, ocean surface temperatures are warm enough to produce hurricanes, but none form. This is because there is not enough coriolis force to create spin and induce a potential hurricane.

how thunderstorms become hurricanes
CISK, or "Convective Instability of the Second Kind", is a popular theory that explains how thunderstorms can evolve and organize into hurricanes. CISK is a positive feedback mechanism, meaning that once a process starts, it causes events which enhance the original process, and the whole cycle repeats itself over and over.
The surface air that spirals into the center of a low pressure system creates convergence (green horizontal arrows) and forces air to rise in the center (green vertical arrow). This air cools and moisture condenses which releases latent heat into the air. It is this latent heat that provides the energy to fuel these storms.
Latent heat is simply heat released or absorbed by a substance (in this case, water vapor) as it changes its state. When water vapor condenses into liquid, it releases this heat into the surrounding atmosphere. The atmosphere around this condensation then warms.
Since warm air is less dense than cooler air, the warmer air takes up more space. This expansion of this air (red arrows) forces more air outside away from the center of the storm and the surface pressure (which is the weight of the air above the surface) decreases.
When the surface pressure decreases, a larger pressure gradient is formed, and more air converges towards the center of the storm. This creates more surface convergence and causes more warm moist surface air to rise above the surface. This air, as it cools, condenses into clouds. While it does this, it releases even more latent heat.
This cycle continuously repeats itself ­ each time intensifying the storm until other factors, such as cool water

Stages of Development
from tropical depression to hurricane
Hurricanes evolve through a life cycle of stages from birth to death. A tropical disturbance in time can grow to a more intense stage by attaining a specified sustained wind speed. The progression of tropical disturbances can be seen in the three images below.

Hurricanes can often live for a long period of time -- as much as two to three weeks. They may initiate as a cluster of thunderstorms over the tropical ocean waters. Once a disturbance has become a tropical depression, the amount of time it takes to achieve the next stage, tropical storm, can take as little as half a day to as much as a couple of days. It may not happen at all. The same may occur for the amount of time a tropical storm needs to intensify into a hurricane. Atmospheric and oceanic conditions play major roles in determining these events.
Below, in this satellite image from 1995, we can see different tropical disturbances in each stage are evident. At the far left, Tropical storm Jerry is over Florida, while Hurricanes Iris and Humberto are further east, amongst a couple of tropical depressions.

Image by: GOES Project

Tropical Depression

Once a group of thunderstorms has come together under the right atmospheric conditions for a long enough time, they may organize into a tropical depression. Winds near the center are constantly between 20 and 34 knots (23 - 39 mph).
A tropical depression is designated when the first appearance of a lowered pressure and organized circulation in the center of the thunderstorm complex occurs. A surface pressure chart will reveal at least one closed isobar to reflect this lowering.

Image provided by TPC
When viewed from a satellite, tropical depressions appear to have little organization. However, the slightest amount of rotation can usually be perceived when looking at a series of satellite images. Instead of a round appearance similar to hurricanes, tropical depressions look like individual thunderstorms that are grouped together. One such tropical depression is shown here.
Tropical Storms

Once a tropical depression has intensified to the point where its maximum sustained winds are between 35-64 knots (39-73 mph), it becomes a tropical storm. It is at this time that it is assigned a name. During this time, the storm itself becomes more organized and begins to become more circular in shape -- resembling a hurricane.
The rotation of a tropical storm is more recognizable than for a tropical depression. Tropical storms can cause a lot of problems even without becoming a hurricane. However, most of the problems a tropical storm cause stem from heavy rainfall.

Image by: OSEI
The above satellite image is of tropical storm Charlie (1998). Many cities in southern Texas reported heavy rainfall between 5-10 inches. Included in these was Del Rio, where more than 17 inches fell in just one day, forcing people from their homes and killing half a dozen.


As surface pressures continue to drop, a tropical storm becomes a hurricane when sustained wind speeds reach 64 knots (74 mph). A pronounced rotation develops around the central core.
Hurricanes are Earth's strongest tropical cyclones. A distinctive feature seen on many hurricanes and are unique to them is the dark spot found in the middle of the hurricane. This is called the eye. Surrounding the eye is the region of most intense winds and rainfall called the eye wall. Large bands of clouds and precipitation spiral from the eye wall and are thusly called spiral rain bands.
Hurricanes are easily spotted from the previous features as well as a pronounced rotation around the eye in satellite or radar animations. Hurricanes are also rated according to their wind speed on the Saffir-Simpson scale. This scale ranges from categories 1 to 5, with 5 being the most devastating. Under the right atmospheric conditions, hurricanes can sustain themselves for as long as a couple of weeks. Upon reaching cooler water or land, hurricanes rapidly lose intensity.

The Eye
the center of the storm
The most recognizable feature found within a hurricane is the eye. They are found at the center and are between 20-50km in diameter. The eye is the focus of the hurricane, the point about which the rest of the storm rotates and where the lowest surface pressures are found in the storm. The image below is of a hurricane (called cyclone in the Southern Hemisphere). Note the eye at the center.

Image by: OSEI
Skies are often clear above the eye and winds are relatively light. It is actually the calmest section of any hurricane.
The eye is so calm because the now strong surface winds that converge towards the center never reach it. The coriolis force deflects the wind slightly away from the center, causing the wind to rotate around the center of the hurricane (the eye wall), leaving the exact center (the eye) calm.
An eye becomes visible when some of the rising air in the eye wall is forced towards the center of the storm instead of outward -- where most of it goes. This air is coming inward towards the center from all directions. This convergence causes the air to actually sink in the eye. This sinking creates a warmer environment and the clouds evaporate leaving a clear area in the center.
The Eye Wall
a hurricane's most devastating region
Located just outside of the eye is the eye wall. This is the location within a hurricane where the most damaging winds and intense rainfall is found. The image below is of a hurricane (called cyclone in the Southern Hemisphere).

Image by: OSEI
Eye walls are called as such because oftentimes the eye is surrounded by a vertical wall of clouds. The eye wall can be seen in the picture above as the thick ring surrounding the eye.
At the surface, the winds are rushing towards the center of a hurricane -- forcing air upwards at the center. The coriolis force acts on these surface winds, and in the Northern Hemisphere, the deflection is to the right. The convergence at the eye wall is so strong here that the air is being lifted faster and with more force here than any other location of the hurricane. Thus, the moisture transport from the ocean and subsequent latent heat production is maximized.
Spiral Bands
where more rain is found
Radiating outward from the eye wall one can see a banded structure within the clouds. These clouds are called either spiral rain bands (or spiral bands). The image below is of a hurricane (called cyclone in the Southern Hemisphere).

Image by: OSEI
There are sometimes gaps in between these bands where no rain is found. In fact, if one were to travel between the outer edge of the hurricane to its center, one would normally progress from light rain to dry back to slightly more intense rain again over and over with each period of rainfall being more intense and lasting longer until reaching the eye. Upon exiting the eye and moving towards the edge of the hurricane, one would see the same events as they did going in, but in opposite order.
A schematic of this banding feature can be seen in the diagram above. The thunderstorms are now organized into regions of rising and sinking air. Most of the air is rising, but there is a small amount found in between the thunderstorms that is sinking.
Movement of Hurricanes
steered by the global winds
The global wind pattern is also known as the "general circulation" and the surface winds of each hemisphere are divided into three wind belts:
  • Polar Easterlies: From 60-90 degrees latitude.
  • Prevailing Westerlies: From 30-60 degrees latitude (aka Westerlies).
  • Tropical Easterlies: From 0-30 degrees latitude (aka Trade Winds).
The easterly trade winds of both hemispheres converge at an area near the equator called the "Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)", producing a narrow band of clouds and thunderstorms that encircle portions of the globe.
The path of a hurricane greatly depends upon the wind belt in which it is located. A hurricane originating in the eastern tropical Atlantic, for example, is driven westward by easterly trade winds in the tropics. Eventually, these storms turn northwestward around the subtropical high and migrate into higher latitudes. As a result, the Gulf of Mexico and East Coast of the United States are at risk to experience one or more hurricanes each year.
In time, hurricanes move into the middle latitudes and are driven northeastward by the westerlies, occasionally merging with midlatitude frontal systems. Hurricanes draw their energy from the warm surface water of the tropics, which explains why hurricanes dissipate rapidly once they move over cold water or large land masses.

How They Are Named
differently in different parts of the world
Hurricane-like storms are called by different names in the different regions of the world. For example, the name "hurricane" is given to systems that develop over the Atlantic or the eastern Pacific Oceans. In the western North Pacific and Philippines, these systems are called "typhoons" while in the Indian and South Pacific Ocean, they are called "cyclones".
Since 1953, the Tropical Prediction Center has produced lists of names for hurricanes. As a tropical depression develops into a tropical storm, it is given the next available name on the list, which is prepared in alphabetical order and alternates from between male and female names. The list of storm names for 1999-2004 is given below.
Atlantic Storm Names for 1999-2004
Eastern Pacific Storm Names for 1999-2004

Interpreting Surface Observation Symbols
a quick overview

The value highlighted in yellow located in the upper left corner is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. In this example, the reported temperature is 64 degrees.

The weather symbol highlighted in yellow indicates the type of weather occurring at the time the observation is taken. In this case, fog was reported. If there were thunderstorms occurring when the observation was taken, then the symbol for thunderstorms would have appeared instead.

The value highlighted in yellow located in the lower left corner is the dew point temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. In this example, the reported dew point temperature is 58 degrees.

The symbol highlighted in yellow indicates the amount of cloud cover observed at the time the observation is taken. In this case, broken clouds were reported.

The value highlighted in yellow located in the upper right corner represents the last three digits of the sea level pressure reading in millibars (mb).

The symbol highlighted in yellow is known as a wind barb. The wind barb indicates wind direction and wind speed.

Wind Barbs
determining wind direction
Wind barbs point in the direction "from" which the wind is blowing. In the case of the diagram below, the orientation of the wind barb indicates winds from the Northeast.
The term easterly means that the winds are from the east. In the example above, the winds are out of the northeast, or northeasterly. On the otherhand, the term "eastward" means that the winds are blowing towards the east.

Wind Barbs
determining wind speed
Wind speed is given here in the units of "knots" (knt). A "Knot" is a nautical mile per hour.
1 Knot = 1.15 Miles Per Hour (MPH)
1 Knot = 1.9 Kilometers Per Hour (KM/HR)
Each short barb represents 5 knots, each long barb 10 knots. A long barb and a short barb is 15 knots, simply by adding the value of each barb together (10 knots + 5 knots = 15 knots). If only a station circle is plotted, the winds are calm.

Pennants are 50 knots. Therefore, the last wind example in the chart below has a wind speed of 65 knots. (50 knots + 10 knots + 5 knots).


Q: Air Masses
Characteristics of Air Masses:
1) The diagram below depicts two types of air masses that commonly influence weather in the United States. For each air mass, identify the following characteristics.

Type of Air Mass:

Source Region:

Relative Temperature:

Wind Direction:

Moisture Content:

Find the Air Masses:
2) One way of identifying a tropical air mass on the weather map below is to look for a region of higher temperatures. To find a polar air mass, look for a region of colder temperatures. The image below is a map of surface observations and for this part of the activity, use the temperature field to draw two lines; a red line to outline the edge of a tropical air mass and a blue line to identify a polar air mass. Here is an example.
3) Now examine the regions you have outlined. Look particularly close at the wind barbs for wind direction and also examine the reports of dew point temperature. In question #1, you determined typical wind direction and dew point temperatures associated with a tropical air mass and a polar air mass. Use this additional information to again identify the tropical and the polar air masses in the diagram above. Label the edge of a tropical air mass with a red line and use a blue line to indicate the outer edge of a polar air mass.

A: Air Masses

continental polar air mass
maritime tropical air mass
snow covered regions of northern Canada
warm waters of the tropics and Gulf of Mexico
cold temperatures
warm temperatures
from the north-northwest
from the south-southwest
dry, little moisture
moist, air is typically rich in moisture

2) and 3)

Q: Midlatitude Cyclones
Common Characteristics of Cyclones:
1) Complete the following sentence: A cyclone is also is known as a _______________.
2) How is the center of a cyclone labeled on a weather map?
3) Describe the weather conditions that typically accompany a cyclone.
4) Describe how a midlatitude cyclone appears on a satellite image.
Associated Air Masses and Fronts:
5) The diagram below depicts a model cyclone with associated fronts and air masses. Answer the following questions by labeling the diagram itself.
6) Describe the general wind pattern associated with cyclones.
A: Midlatitude Cyclones

1) "a low pressure center."
2) By a red "L".
3) Cloudy with possible precipitation.
4) Comma-shaped configuration of the cloud bands. The clouds resemble a giant comma, and the spin counterclockwise around the cyclone center (in the northern hemisphere).

6) Winds flow generally in a counterclockwise direction around the center of low pressure (in the northern hemisphere).

Q: Interpreting Weather Symbols
Location of Weather Symbol:
1) Fill in the blanks of the diagram to indicate what type of meteorological data is represented by each position. Then circle the position of the weather symbol.
Common Weather Symbols:
2) For the following table of common weather symbols, fill in the blanks labeled #1 through #7.

A: Interpreting Weather Symbols

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